
If you’re new to using a Kamado Auplex grill, here are five great cooks to start with:
1.Pizza: The kamado’s 360-degree cooking ensures a perfect crust. Use a kamado pizza stone to avoid burning the dough and achieve an even cook .
2.Chicken: Cooking a whole chicken allows you to experience the even heating and moisture retention of the ceramic grill. Aim for a crispy skin and juicy interior by experimenting with different rubs and marinades .
3.Steak: Searing steaks on the kamado gives a fantastic crust while keeping the inside tender. Experiment with different wood chips for a smoky flavor.
4.Ribs: Low and slow cooking of ribs on the kamado provides an opportunity to master temperature control and achieve fall-off-the-bone tenderness.
5.Vegetables: Grilling vegetables can help you understand the grill’s versatility. Use direct and indirect heat to achieve different textures and flavors.

Post time: May-23-2024